zondag 29 mei 2011

My last letter to a friend

Dear mas Hans,

When I was asked to say some words to you at your farewell on 6 April 2011, I honestly had some doubts. First of all, I was only given 5 minutes. Secondly, giving a farewell message one should say the good things about the person who is going to leave. As I looked back, I realized that we had ups and downs in our relationship but as I started to count the ups and the downs I knew that the downs were not significant at all.

Five minutes was certainly not long enough to say something about the awesome working relationship and the beautiful personal contact with you for more than 20 years. So many things have been said, many things have been done and so many wonderful memories.

I knew you from my fourth year as a student Dutch Language and Literature at Universitas Indonesia in 1989. Once a week, I attended the lecture “Dutch language of the 17th century”, given by you. I thought to myself: What? 17th century Dutch? At that time, Dutch was difficult enough for us, let alone 17th century Dutch! But because of your love and dedication to this field and because of the way you explained the subject, it was a lot easier for us to understand the words of Huygens, Hooft and Vondel and other 17th century Dutch poets and authors. At the same time, I found my way to the Erasmus Language Centre (ETC).

For me and most of my colleagues, ETC has become a second home. You played your role as the eldest brother, our mas Hans. A brother who would welcome any kind of ideas, even the most hillarious ideas. A brother who stood by to guide us in good and bad times. A brother who was willing to give his listening ears to each of us. And although the door to your office was protected by a special code, it was always open for us. For many students of ETC, you were the uncle. An uncle who gave a home where they are able to do many activities with the Dutch language.

Your beautiful house in Pejaten was also always open for us. The house will be a silent witness of the remarkable personal contact with you and Didi, who hosted many kind of pleasant events: the dangdut parties, the birthday parties and of course the swimming parties. And this beautiful mansion is also a witness of the love you shared with Didi.

Mas Hans, God saw you getting tired and a cure was not to be. So He put His arms around you and whispered "come to me”. Although we were not able to be there for you during your last days, but with tearful eyes we watched you from a distance pass away. We loved you dearly, but we could not make you stay. A golden heart stopped beating, hardworking hands at rest. God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the best. May you rest in peace, my dear friend, my wonderful colleague Hans Groot!