dinsdag 27 juli 2010

A leader, a teacher and a father

At my office I have seen many people come and go every year. Getting acquainted to new staff and saying goodbye to staff who have been posted in Jakarta for 3 to 5 years happen every year. During these years I get more and more used to it. The easiest part is of course getting to know new people in the office. If they show some interests, then I will show some interest too, but if not, do not expect me to get closer to these new people. The difficult part is to know that someone who has stolen our hearts has to leave Indonesia.

With other members of the Event Committee I organized a farewell party for the most honorable and charismatic leading figure who has done his best to strengthen the bilateral relationship between Indonesia and the Netherlands, HE Dr. Nikolaos van Dam. On this occasion, I - on behalf of the local staff - gave him a speech which touched his heart.

"In one of Hollywood movies Forrest Gump there is a quote which I find very beautiful: life is like a box of chocolates, you'll never know what you will get.

Every year, it's like that we - who stay in Indonesia - get a box of chocolates as a present. We always wonder what kind of chocolates we would get. Fortunately, in 2005 we received a box of chocolates that tasted incredible delicious. We were sent a leader who was highly respected but in return who respected his staff, who played a role as a teacher but who was also willing to learn from others, who wanted to be heard but who was also willing to listen.

I am very grateful to get the opportunity and the trust to work with you in translating business documents and your work as well, which make me able to learn and experience new things.

Thank you for your time to learn about the Indonesian culture and language.
Thank you for your time to talk and to discuss.
Thank you for your time to relax during the office outing.

I am sure that after you leave Indonesia, you will find that your box of chocolates will also be delicious. Keep Indonesia as one of the most beautiful memories in your life."

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